Origin of wine in México
The history of wine in México begins before the Spanish conquest, because in the first records that are had, it is said that the pre-Hispanic people ate wild grapes and drank the acidic juices that fermented from them, although there is no record that they used them for production of wine.
Viticulture in México begins in the times of colonization since the Spanish imperialists sent European vines for the first time to the American continent. It was Hernán Cortés who bought sarminths to México and in 1524 ordered that 1,000 vineyards a year shuold be planted for five years for every 100 natives in his service, thus establishing the first vineyards in the middle of the XVI century.
Viticulture in México begins in the times of colonization since the Spanish imperialists sent European vines for the first time to the American continent. It was Hernán Cortés who bought sarminths to México and in 1524 ordered that 1,000 vineyards a year shuold be planted for five years for every 100 natives in his service, thus establishing the first vineyards in the middle of the XVI century.

Fray Pedro Espinareda and Francisco Cano explore the Valle de Parras in Coahuila in search of gold and others minerals in the middle of the desert.
They do not find gold but they find a true oasis where some strains of wild vine were already growing.
The Jesuits Francisco de Arista and Juan Agustín de Espinoza arrive at Valle de Parras motivated by the previous discovery of springs and wild vines.
The discovery of Valle de Parras promotes the foundation of the Misión de Santa María de las Parras.
One of the original settlers of the Valle de Parras, Don Lorenzo García, when recognizing the benefits of the Valley, he asked the King of Spain for an endowment of land.
Don Lorenzo García begin to plant vineyards for the production of wine and brandy. Here the first formal production of wine is established in the Valle de Parras, mainly for ecclesiastical purposes.
During their stay in Baja California, the Spanish royal crown grants permission to priests María Salvatierra and Francisco Eusebio Kino to cross the peninsula to catechize the native population.
That same year, the first Mission Loreto Conchó was founded, which began the influence and productive intention of the region.
1701 - 1705
Priest Juan Ugarte finds the first vitis not suitable for winemaking known as Uva Misión.
The first vine cultivation with an irrigation system is established. Missions began to be established throughout the peninsula.
1780 - 1794
The San Vicente Ferrer Mission is founded in Valle de San Vicente.
The Santo Tomás de Aquino Mission is founded by priest Fray José Loriente, in the Valle de Santo Tomás.
1834 - 1840
The Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Mission is built in the Valle de Guadalupe.
The bases of the origin of the production of the most representative region of the Mexican wine industry are established.